Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Benefits of sunlight for health

All elements of life on earth depends on solar energy. Including plants, animals, and humans. Sunlight is necessary for plant photosynthesis, converting carbon (carbon) dioxide into oxygen (oxygen), change the water and inorganic minerals into organic substances, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In other words, life would cease without the presence of sunlight.Dr. Mark Levy, director of the San Francisco Foundation of Psychoanalysis states, "For those with mild cases, thirty minutes of exercise out in the morning sun may be all that is needed to keep the winter blues at bay." It was the influence of sunlight to health us, with 30 minutes to move the body in the morning sun, SAD symptoms will disappear.

Some Benefits of Sunlight

In addition to treating Seasonal Affective Disorder, sunlight also has many other benefits such as:

1) Generate vitamin D.

Some cholesterol is deposited under the skin. When ultraviolet rays entered filtration through the skin, it is converted to cholesterol deposits vitamin D.

2) Reduce blood sugar levels.

Sunlight acts as insulin in which the absorption of sugar by the body's cells accelerated. So the body is stimulated to convert blood sugar (glucose) into a form of sugar that is stored in the liver and muscles (glycogen), thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

3) Kill bacteria.

Sunlight has the ability to kill germs such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Even H.G. Ainsleigh states in Preventive Medicine, that sunlight can suppress the abnormal growth of a variety of cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer and colon cancer. A researcher made an experiment using petri dishes spawned the growth of bacteria in it. Half of the petri dishes were closed and the other half dried directly in the sun. Apparently ½ closed petri dishes showed that bacteria growing more rapidly, while the other half were exposed to sunlight at all no more bacteria growth. All germs are in the affected area to direct sunlight destroyed by sunlight. This experiment really has tremendous implications for application in every home. It is a healthy habit when you open wide the windows in your home and let the sunlight into your rooms. In a certain time, the sun is going to destroy the germs that are in the dust either in a window or on the floor of your room.

4) Helping to build and repair bones.

With elevated levels of vitamin D in your body caused by sun exposure, there will be much calcium is absorbed. This will help build and repair bones and preventing diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia.

5) Increase the function of immune cells.

Solar radiation increases lymphocytes, gamma globulin, and the rising influence of immune cells can be up to 3 weeks old. When you get ultraviolet irradiation for 10 minutes 1-2 times per week the possibility of a common cold can be reduced as much as 30-40%. Germs in the air within 2.5 meters from ultraviolet rays, can be destroyed in 10 minutes. However, irradiation with ultraviolet irradiation with costs while the sun is free.

6) Increase aerobic fitness.

The sun's rays increase the blood's capacity to carry oxygen to body tissues. Thus there will be more oxygen can be delivered to the muscles when you exercise. Other additional factors contribute to the increase in aerobic fitness is a rising presence of glycogen in the liver and muscle after exposure to solar radiation. It is useful to move the body in the sun.

7) Influence of serotonin production.

When you exercise in the sun it will pineal gland is stimulated to produce serotonin, which will raise your mood. Rao & Muller says that serotonin prevents depression and feelings of fatigue.

8) Increasing levels of melatonin at night.

some benefit sunlight to helath, some effects of sunlight on the body and daily health, vitamin d supplementation, sunlight and vitamin d, sun health benefitsAdditionally, researchers in Finland found that rats 'exercise' in the sun has almost 4 ½ times the levels of melatonin at night compared with mice that 'work' under artificial light. The power light outdoors on a sunny day can reach about 3000 lux, being in a brightly lit behind closed doors only to 400 lux. Obviously to be healthy does not necessarily have to work out in the gymnasium room (unless you need a friend to exercise together). Not only the cost is expensive, but also in terms of profits, more reduced than exercising in the sun.

The hormone melatonin is a hormone produced by the night by the pineal gland. Its function is to hold the other gonadal function, brain electrical activity and thyroid function, so you can sleep soundly. Other properties of melatonin is a free radical scavenger powerful even five times more potent than glutathione. In addition, melatonin can slow the aging process. Please note that the plasma levels of melatonin at night change according to one's age. In (i) of children aged 1-3 years (250 pg / ml), (ii) adolescents aged 8-15 years (120pg/ml), (iii) adults aged 20-27 years (70pg/ml), ( iv) parents aged 67-84 years (30pg/ml). Clearly we can see that the production of melatonin decreases as more advanced age. Moreover, melatonin is left gland through simple osmosis, so we can not rely on melatonin produced the day before for today's needs.
Therefore we need to always work out in the sun every day should be in accordance with the recommendations of The Center for Disease Control and the American College of Sports Medicine.This discovery confirms the written advice of Mrs. White in Ministry of Healing p. 275, "The power decreases as we age further enhanced, so that the body's vitality declined to fight the effects of unhealthy living: therefore even more parents need plenty of sunlight and fresh air."
For those who live in a place that has four seasons, the best time to bask in the sun is as follows, in the winter (winter) before 11:00 am or after 1:00 pm, while in the summer (summer ) before 9:00 am or after 4:00 in the evening. Whereas those who live in Indonesia, the sun itself is best before 9:00 am and after 4:00 in the afternoon. If you forget these instructions, remember that the best time is shortly after dawn or when the sun will set. The reason is that at the time of sunrise and began to rise steadily, the light becomes more intense because the reduced atmosphere and more permeable to ultraviolet light. The higher the sun is to a certain point, more direct exposure to sunlight is the point.That is why it is better to get the sun shines when light waves are long and not short. Because when the sun right above our heads, it is likely to get skin cancer is greater. Keep in mind also, that those who are light skinned 5 minutes per day of sun is enough to get 400 units of vitamin D (U.S. RDA is 400 units per day), medium dark skin require six times as much to produce vitamin D in the same amount.

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