What is Vitamin B3?
Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin that's part of the Vitamin B complex group. The two basic forms of Vitamin B3 are niacin (nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (nicotinamide). Vitamin B3 is used to make fat from the carbohydrates as well as to process alcohol. Niacin helps to regulate our cholesterol, but niacinamide does not. Vitamin B3 usually works with Vitamin B1 and B2 to release energy from the carbohydrates we consume. They are usually given in a B complex supplement or a multivitamin.
Sources of Vitamin B3
There are different food sources of Vitamin B3 such as fish, peanuts, brewer's yeast, meat and whole grains. Other sources are cooked dried beans, non or low fat milk, cheese, eggs, soybeans and green vegetables. Vegetables should be steamed, baked or used in stir-fry to keep the Vitamin B3 in them. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin and does not stay in our bodies, it's important that we always have enough in our system. Vitamin B3 is added to white flour and since so many things contain white flour, most individuals get enough Vitamin B3 in their normal diet. However, many people choose to take 10-25 milligrams of this vitamin as part of a multivitamin. Although the body doesn't require a large amount of Vitamin B3, without this vitamin our body would be lost. Its ability to release energy our bodies need make it very necessary for your bodies. Reactions from Vitamin B3
The only time large amounts of Vitamin B3 are prescribed is for serious health conditions. Some health issues that may Vitamin B3 may help are osteoarthritis, high triglycerides, acne and high cholesterol. Symptoms of Vitamin B3 deficiency, though rare, are skin rash, loss of appetite, diarrheas, mental changes, digestive and emotional problems and beefy tongue. One disease that can occur from a deficiency of Vitamin B3 is Pellagra. The symptoms of Pellagra are cancer sores, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, confusion, depression and diarrhea.
Vitamin B3 or Liquid vitamins and minerals supplement are usually safe to take in both forms, however, niacin levels as low as 50-100 mg have caused headaches, flushing and stomach ache in certain individuals. When niacinamide was taken in doses of over 1,000 per day, liver problems have occurred. Other problems that can occur from high levels of Vitamin B3 are gastritis, diabetes, eye damage and high blood levels of uric acid. It's important to always consult with your doctor before you begin to take any kind of supplement. Often people read certain articles about vitamins or symptoms, rush out, buy some supplement, and begin taking it, which can cause more problems.
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