Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

7 Little-Known Traps that Stop You from Curing Your Back Pain

Long-term back pain is possibly the most misunderstood problem that you could have, and that's why your doctor or physio hasn't been able to help you. Except for one lone Australian researcher, whose work you're about to be introduced to, most doctors are chasing "red herrings".

Before I share one of the many techniques developed from this research, it's important that you thoroughly understand the 7 pain traps, because without understanding them and taking action, you'll reduce your chance of success.

Please don't underestimate these: there's been enough research now that we absolutely know that every one of them is crucial to understand and escape from.


Becoming isolated. If you have pain you might not feel like mixing with people, and in the acute stage of pain it can be nice to have some peace and quiet and just rest and get better. But with long-term pain this isolation is incredibly destructive to you, because it damages your nervous system. You absolutely must mix socially with people.


Being more or less inactive. You might be like most people with chronic pain and have a strong desire to refrain from being active. Maybe you've even tried it and it made things worse. Thing is, you can find a base rate of exercise which is manageable (even if it's tiny) and you can regularly and consistently increase it. When you do this, you can be confident the flaring is not related to the activity, and you can be confident you are helping your recovery, not working against it.

Balance is the key.


Not being as independent as you possibly can. When you're dependent on others more than you need to be, you suffer (whether you know it or not) from higher stress levels. These stress levels sensitize your nervous system and increase your pain. So take a good look at what you allow others to do for you and think of ways around that. Also take a good look at your conversation with you're with family or friends. Are you saying the same things over and over each time you see them? Don't let them get in a rut either!


Dumping interests or hobbies. You absolutely must keep an interest or hobby, whether you get enjoyment out of it or not. Your nervous system needs you to do it!

Likewise you need to be very aware of what's going on in the world around you, and to take an interest in that. Read papers and magazines, listen to talk-back radio, ask people their opinions. Involve yourself.


Tolerating feelings of depression, anger, embarrassment or anxiety. These feelings put a lot of pressure on your nervous system and make it more reactive, leading to more pain. There are some really quite miraculous ways to switch these awful feelings off and give your nervous system a break!


Lousy sleep. If you're not sleeping between 6 and 10 hours a night, if you're snoring, if your sleep is interrupted, if you're waking up feeling rotten, then these are signs your sleep has been compromised. Do yourself a favour and grab a book on "sleep hygiene" from your local library, and get whatever help you need to make sure your sleep supports your health and wellbeing.


Inadequate nutrition. If you're overweight, or underweight, or tired a lot, chances are your nutrition needs an overhaul.

You might be thinking that these 7 traps are all common sense, but if they are just common sense, why hasn't your doctor paid close attention to them? Why aren't you already free of them? I really encourage you to look at them closely and make sure none of them ever trap you again.


The book "The Pain Train - Time to Get Off" tells you all the theory you'd want to know (and more) of the technique I'm going to share with you here. Basically, this technique "mixes up" the pain signals and over time permanently eliminates them so you become pain free.

Anything that "mixes up" pain signals has got to be at least a bit confusing, and I think you'll agree that this crazy-looking technique achieves that very successfully. But don't be fooled, this technique is getting rapid recognition from doctors all over the world. Here's a short taste.

Pick just one tiny point on your body where there is pain. Decide how strong that pain is out of 10. Focus your mind on that as strongly as you can. Just that point and no other point. If you like you can talk about it out loud or inside your head just to keep your mind on it. As you're doing that, start tapping, tickling, pinching, all over your body, at the same time imagining you have different kinds of food in your mouth, maybe chocolate, maybe bread and butter, maybe a piece of steak.

After a few minutes, stop and see if anything has happened to the pain in that one spot.

Be certain when you're checking that it's just that one little area that you're "measuring" to see what's happened. If you're like most people, you'll find there's been some kind of change. The pain won't necessarily be gone at this stage, but it will have changed in some way. The program is designed to reduce the pain until it doesn't return.

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