Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Importance of Vitamin B3

What is Vitamin B3?

Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin that's part of the Vitamin B complex group. The two basic forms of Vitamin B3 are niacin (nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (nicotinamide). Vitamin B3 is used to make fat from the carbohydrates as well as to process alcohol. Niacin helps to regulate our cholesterol, but niacinamide does not. Vitamin B3 usually works with Vitamin B1 and B2 to release energy from the carbohydrates we consume. They are usually given in a B complex supplement or a multivitamin.

Sources of Vitamin B3

There are different food sources of Vitamin B3 such as fish, peanuts, brewer's yeast, meat and whole grains. Other sources are cooked dried beans, non or low fat milk, cheese, eggs, soybeans and green vegetables. Vegetables should be steamed, baked or used in stir-fry to keep the Vitamin B3 in them. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin and does not stay in our bodies, it's important that we always have enough in our system. Vitamin B3 is added to white flour and since so many things contain white flour, most individuals get enough Vitamin B3 in their normal diet. However, many people choose to take 10-25 milligrams of this vitamin as part of a multivitamin. Although the body doesn't require a large amount of Vitamin B3, without this vitamin our body would be lost. Its ability to release energy our bodies need make it very necessary for your bodies. Reactions from Vitamin B3

The only time large amounts of Vitamin B3 are prescribed is for serious health conditions. Some health issues that may Vitamin B3 may help are osteoarthritis, high triglycerides, acne and high cholesterol. Symptoms of Vitamin B3 deficiency, though rare, are skin rash, loss of appetite, diarrheas, mental changes, digestive and emotional problems and beefy tongue. One disease that can occur from a deficiency of Vitamin B3 is Pellagra. The symptoms of Pellagra are cancer sores, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, confusion, depression and diarrhea.

Vitamin B3 or Liquid vitamins and minerals supplement are usually safe to take in both forms, however, niacin levels as low as 50-100 mg have caused headaches, flushing and stomach ache in certain individuals. When niacinamide was taken in doses of over 1,000 per day, liver problems have occurred. Other problems that can occur from high levels of Vitamin B3 are gastritis, diabetes, eye damage and high blood levels of uric acid. It's important to always consult with your doctor before you begin to take any kind of supplement. Often people read certain articles about vitamins or symptoms, rush out, buy some supplement, and begin taking it, which can cause more problems.

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Yoga 101

Yoga 101

The eight limbs of yoga or also known as ashtanga (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi) is the foundation of yoga. The word yoga itself rooted from a sanskrit word of Yuj means union.

Oh friend, understand: the body is like the ocean, rich with hidden treasures.
Open your innermost chamber and light its lamp…   
                                                            The Essential Mystics, Harper Collins, 1998

The sanskrit root of YOGA is YUJ means to bind, to join, union. As explained in the book Light On Yoga by BKS Iyengar, it’s the unity of all the powers of the body, mind and soul to God, disciplining the intellect, the mind, the emotions and the will.  It enables one to look at life in all  aspects evenly.

To start yoga, you don’t need to have the flexibility and concentration.  In fact, anyone, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability can do it. As you practice yoga routinely, your muscles and joints will gain flexibility and you’ll need less effort to come into a pose.  But, if you suffer from any specific medical condition, you should consult with your doctor before practicing.  Ask for their expert advice on the best appropriate number of hours and frequency of yoga practice to specially suit your physical condition.

Some people say that the best time to perform the asanas (postures) is in the morning before you start your daily routine.   Some others think the foremost element is discipline, and allocating time to really practice without any disruption.  Do you really have the time and space for your own practice?

There are EIGHT STEPS OF YOGA (ASHTANGA), the first one that becomes the root of ashtanga is YAMAS – to speak the truth, to refrain from violence and stealing.  And then there is NIYAMAS –the importance for one to keep the purity of the body and mind, to study or gain knowledge, and to surrender the ego.

The next step is ASANAS – literally means comfortable seating or steady poses. There are hundreds of asana (postures) and each one of them has its own benefits to our body. It is globally accepted by doctors that you are as young as your spine, so maintain the flexibility of your spine, where the nervous system channels, by practicing asana.  Asanas work the same way as acupuncture, the different poses put pressure on various points, if you practice them regularly  and correctly you’ll gain the benefit.

Moving on half way, PRANAYAMA – is the control of vital energy through breathing exercise. Here is the big picture of yogic breathing; when you inhale fully, you are supplying an abundance of oxygen – essential to every cell in the body. When you exhale, the waste products are being expelled.   Therefore, you should concentrate on the exhalation and give time to dispel the bad stuff out of your body system.  In the end, the breathing techniques in yoga will also awake potential energy stored inside you and help physical and mental rejuvenation.

The fifth step of ashtanga contains PRATYAHARA – withdrawal of senses or detachment from the worldly desires, follows by DHARANA – concentration of the mind.   DHYANA comes in the 7th step which simply means meditation and SAMADHI, the last step, is about super-conscious state. In Samadhi, you are fully aware of yourself and your mind while at the same time you distribute your soul towards the body.  You do not become empty or thoughtless, your mind stays active.

To do meditation you don’t have to find a quiet corner, it can be performed in asanas. The essence is to control the mind through controlled breathing.  The combined breath and poses leads to movement meditation. It is about combining all the eight limbs of yoga (ashtanga). All in all, it helps develop mental clarity – the essential prerequisite for peace of mind.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

2 Simple Food to lower cholesterol naturally

Heart disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure are some typical problem associated with high cholesterol. These are disease affects our life adversely and may even cause death. You have to address your high cholesterol before it hits you badly

The easiest way to do this is through your diet. Foods that are high in saturated fats can greatly contribute to the amount of cholesterol that you have. This includes fried foods, fattier cuts of meats, different cheeses, and processed foods like cookies, cakes, and cold cuts.

2 Simple Food to lower cholesterol naturally
A strict diet is require for people with very cholesterol. It requires total calories to be limited as obesity is a man contributor to high cholesterol. Such diet will also limit the amount of cholesterol intake to not more then 300mg and that the calories derive from fat is not more then 7%. Typically 140 of 2000 calories of daily required calories. However for some lucky few, cutting back on the saturated fat foods is all that is require to lower their cholesterol to a optimal level.

Exercise and diet goes hand in hand to lower cholesterol naturally, especially if diet alone is not enough to bring the cholesterol level down. Doctor may also advise cholesterol lowering drugs if your cholesterol is extremely high.

When you are considering controlling your cholesterol with a diet plan, there are two "super foods" that you should consider adding to your diet. One is fish, and the other is fiber.

Fish is a good choice for anyone that is looking for a healthier diet. High in protein, it can be used as a substitute for fattier red meats as one of your protein choices. Fatty and cold water fish also contain omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s have a variety of health boosting benefits. One of these is the fact that Omega 3s ca help with your cholesterol problems. Omega 3s naturally boost your HDL cholesterol level. HDL cholesterol is the cholesterol that is carried away from your heart to the liver where it can be used, which in turn helps and prevents heart disease. This can help you naturally lower the levels of bad cholesterol, bring down your blood pressure, and reduce your risk of clots that could cause heart attacks or strokes.

Regular intake of oatmeal has been shown to reduce cholesterol naturally. Nutrients from fruits and vegetables has the effect of increasing the good cholesterol thereby reducing the bad cholesterol and helps fight the high cholesterol problem. Furthermore the fiber in grains, fruits and veggies keeps you full and regulate the digestive system. Most importantly the fiber absorb the fats in the guts before it gets absorb by the body in the small intestine. All these will help lower cholesterol naturally.

A healthy level of cholesterol can be achieved by some simple changes to your diet.

Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Importance of Parallel Lines of the Feet

Importance of Parallel Lines of the Feet

Why is it important to keep the feet parallel in poses like Tadasana, Sirsasana, Pincha mayurasana and vasisthasana? The links of sacro iliac, lumbar vertebrae and ilio psoas in those poses.

30 years ago, when BKS Iyengar first observed my Tadasana (Standing Mountain Pose) in a Teacher Training class in India, he abruptly stopped the entire class and had all other students gather around closely to observe my feet. Embarrassed but willing to learn, I thought I had an innate ‘body intelligence’ having had 15 years of ballet and modern dance training, and so I thought I was probably standing well enough in my feet. “How can you prepare to teach others when you yourself do not even know the parallel lines of the feet?!” he roared at me.  He then ordered two students to bring a wooden block each and place each on the outside edges of my feet in exactly parallel lines. I was instructed to shift my weight to the outside edges of my feet to feel the blocks. Another block he placed in between my inner thighs and demanded I press into that block. What I thought was parallel was not parallel at all!
Thus began my awareness of my feet being “turned out”, and my weak inner thighs from too many years of forced external rotation due to ballet training. I had been externally rotating from the hip joints for so long that I had little sense of an inward rotation from the hip joints. New muscles began to ache as I held these parallel lines for minutes that seemed like hours. The problem with forced external rotation (as in ballet training) is that then the pelvis tilts forward so that the lumbar is over-arched causing lordosis, and the lower floating ribs at the front body protrude forward causing the “proud stance” of a dancer. Over time this creates compression of the lumbar spine, compression in the sacro-iliac joint, stresses the knee joint into hyper-extension, and weakens the deep in ilio-psoas muscles. And I thought I had good posture!
The complex knee joint – little did I know how I was weakening my knee joints by standing, walking, squatting, etc. with the feet turned out and the knees taking the stress!  Many dancers, over time, begin to suffer knee pain and I now began to understand why. In the Iyengar yoga method of practicing asanas – we start in Tadasana and align the feet and knees and hips parallel. Starting from the feet and working up – the knees are strengthened in parallel lines – this is extremely important for the knee joint. The knee joint supports the weight of the body. The center of gravity in the erect position passes through the femoral condyles at the knee joint. The knee joint acts as a fulcrum for two of the longest bones of the body (femur - thigh bone, and tibia – bone of lower leg).  The ligaments attaching the inner and outer knee joint are strengthened equally as we consciously stand in Tadasana lifting the kneecaps as a result of lifting the toes. Try this simple but effective practice to align and strengthen the knees – Stand in Tadasana with both feet exactly parallel. Observe the weight in the feet in a ‘tripod’ triangle base – 3 points: mound of the big toe, mound of the little toe, and the heel. Lift everything else up – lift the toes, left the arches of the feet, and feel how the kneecaps also lift. This simple practice will engage the large muscles of the front of the thighs (quadriceps) and strengthen the lateral (outer) and medial (inner) connective tissue of the knees.

There is a major muscle of the thigh that had been ignored in my dance training and was re-ignited in the above example of squeezing the block between my inner thighs. The sartorius muscle runs diagonally from the outer hip joint to just below the inner knee at the tibia (lower leg bone). This is the strong, long muscle that is strengthened in all standing poses in parallel lines. It is also engaged in asanas such as Setu Bandhasana where the knees are bent and the weight of the pelvis is lifted up from the floor keeping the knees directly over the toes. The action of keeping the knees directly over the toes in standing bent-knee poses will protect the inner and outer knee connective tissue. When the feet are not parallel and the knees are bent slightly pronating, (falling inward) there is tremendous stress on the knee joints and injuries can happen – whether in standing poses, reclining bent knee poses or sports activities. Being conscious of the feet and how the weight is placed in the feet – right through the center of the feet – will automatically transfer up to strengthen the knees, the strong quadriceps and sartorius muscles of the thighs and help to stabilize the pelvis.

As we travel up the body – standing in Tadasana – the next important postural muscle group is the Ilio-psoas. The consciousness of the parallel lines of the feet, the knees, and the hips will then anchor the pelvis so that the front and back waist can be equally stretched.  In the case of lordosis (over arching lumbar vertebrae due to external rotation of the hips, pronating the weight in the feet and other misalignments of the feet), the ilio-psoas becomes over-extended and weak. This deep-in muscle group that forms the principal flexors of the thighs and supports the lumbar spine as it attaches along the vertebral column is not easily palpated.

In challenging inverted yoga poses such as Sirsanana (Headstand), and Pincha Mayurasana (Elbow Balance) – bringing awareness to the feet – with the feet connected will bring balance and stillness to the practice as the body seeks the midline. This midline will transfer into the deep-in ilio-psoas allowing the torso to be stretched equally front and back, and the lumbar vertebrae to lengthen.

With years of practicing the parallel lines of the feet in Tadasana, the student can bring that awareness, that familiar weight-bearing centered alignment - in the middle of both feet - to poses which challenge balance on one hand, one foot, the elbows, shoulders, and crown of the head.  Vasisthasana, for instance, where the student is balancing only on the outside edge of one foot and one hand – will become steady and strong if the consciousness of the feet parallel in Tadasana is brought to the practice.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that if sufficient time and practice of Tadasana – the awareness of the parallel lines of the feet in Tadasana – is brought to each and every asana – that student’s practice will be more confident, steady and strong, and rewarding as a result of paying attention to the small details of the feet.

Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

How Healthy Body Slimming

Intention to lose weight, but it is difficult to control appetite? It was, indeed often experienced by many people, especially women who crave a slim body.

Many of them consider that a diet is a torture. However, it all depends on how much you want to run a diet program.

Eating right and healthy, is key to the success of the diet program that you are living right now. Do not forget, you also have to meet the daily needs of the body to diet program can be run effectively and certainly healthier.

Try the following ways to get healthy and slim body. This method is simple, do not have a strict diet. Just adjust your diet also consider how to process food, you can get a desirable body. Here, as quoted by page Boldsky.

Healthy Body Slimming

Consumption of vegetables

Picky eaters need to be done for those who are dieting. The food has no fat and calorie free as green vegetables, is consumed foods fit for those who are doing a weight loss program.

Not only low-calorie, leafy green vegetables also have a lot of nutrients. So suitable for those who want to lose weight, but do not want malnutrition.

Green vegetables are also very useful for fighting free radicals. If you're still confused what kind of vegetables is beneficial in helping your diet, vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, parsley, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and celery may be an option.

Design a diet menu

Avoid fried foods as well as fast food can hinder your diet program. Losing weight requires a powerful food to burn fat. How to cultivate food is also noteworthy. And you should, for you who are on a diet, avoid cooking with the frying process that requires a lot of oil.

Cooking healthy meals without the technique, it could affect the levels of nutrients that can be best achieved. Steaming is one way to keep the nutritional content of food. This one cooking technique retain more food nutrients than boiling or frying food.

When food is steamed, turbulent water never touches the food. Steam is also quite friendly and equitable. Slowly, the vapor penetrated into food. Leaving dishes cooked in its essence without losing a lot of nutrients, steaming while maintaining the texture and flavors.

Natural remedies for dark eye circles

Tomato paste
Mix 1 teaspoon of fresh tomato juice and ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice.  Apply it gently on the skin under your eyes with a cotton ball and let it rest for 10 minutes.  Rinse thoroughly with water.

Cucumber or Potato
You can apply any of these two on your eyes to diminish darkness and swelling.  Slice the cucumber or grate the potato before putting it onto the skin around your eyes.  You may also use the juice of either one of them and dab it on the skin with a cotton ball.

Natural remedies for dark eye circles
Tea bags
Simply put on a warm or cold teabag on each of your eye and let it rest there for a few minutes.  

Almond oil
Regularly massaging the under eye area with almond oil is one of the best natural remedies for getting rid of under eye circles because it promotes circulation.  Leave the nourishing oil on your skin overnight.

Ice cubes
This will instantly reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.

Crushed mint
Fresh mint has a cooling effect which immediately soothes tired eyes while getting rid of dark circles.  Put crushed mint leaves over the skin around your eyes and let them rest there for few minutes. 


  •  Stop smoking!  Smoking contributes to poor circulation.
  •  Drink around 8-10 glasses of water a day to promotes proper circulation of blood around your eyes.
  • Aside from the remedies mentioned, it is also important that you get enough sleep. 
  • Be reminded that not all of these remedies will work for you.  So I suggest you try out a few and see which ones work best! 
  • These remedies will not make your dark circles disappear overnight.  So, be patient and continue the natural treatment for at least a few weeks. 
  • In certain individuals, dark circles can only be reduced but cannot be removed completely.

I hope you find this helpful!
Menopause: The Alchemy of Life

Menopause: The Alchemy of Life

Menopause can happen anytime, these days women are getting it faster than ever, as early as in their mid 30s. Understand and embrace the signs of 'life-changing' transformation.

Many years ago, I went out for a walk and simply couldn't breathe. My chest suddenly felt like it was closing in on my heart and my ribs were like strings pulling a corset tighter. It was an ache, a frozen heaviness, a strange sensation that my ribcage was suffocating me. I stopped and stared at the horizon, unable to move. In a moment of sheer terror, I became very still and all of a sudden, I noticed everything. It wasn't a heart attack, but it seemed to feel like one. It wasn't a panic attack, but it darn near became one. It was nothing and everything. This is one of many visceral experiences women endure and move through during menopause. Unexplainable yet very real.
We all go through ups and downs, through stress and life challenges. But when "the change" just happens, it can be quite overwhelming. Like a hormone roller coaster, some women living a normal life suddenly have their world turned upside down. For it seems menopause is a que for a complete surrender. For those who choose to carry on as they always have, menopause without support could turn into a nomad journey into a barren desert of nothingness.
Menopause is naturally a force of nature and one must look to nature and the nature of things during this phase of a woman’s life. Thus begins a look at her life tapestry and what she has woven. In one sense menopause seems like the end of being ‘female’, the entering of infertility, a time to retreat. But in a traditional sense, it is the time to birth her core wisdom, her instinct and authentic self.
I did not expect, realize or even consider that I had already entered menopause around the age of 36. Some experts tell us that menopause is occurring the day we are born such that we already in a state of declines as each year go by. A woman under stress such as having a sudden accident, divorce or family death may spark an onset. However, living as a woman in modern society, statistics don’t seem to help or serve when a relatively young, healthy active woman all of a sudden for no reason cannot remember where she parked her car, has no recollection of what she drove into town for, is silently rebelling against anything that does not include staying in bed or being alone and is trying to cope with the fact that her body albeit everything she is doing refuses to cooperate.
Ways that worked before to lighten spirit may suddenly seem not to work anymore. As the months progress, body temperature begins to change, sleep patterns become disturbed while hair, skin and nails change. A gust of hormones are leaving, so say goodbye to oestrogen and welcome a new world, a new mind, a new body, a new you. The Change of Life is truly happening. I was truly blown away by the change. I had to ask, will I become traumatized or will I listen, learn and transform? It was time to choose.
To remain caged in your own body and heart unwilling to accept the changes occurring or begin to consider this as a meaningful transition would be un-wise and un-useful. When the change occurs, a change must occur. Listening, feeling, observing and becoming very aware of oneself is the beginning of a healthy transformation.
Yoga is a start. With simple, restorative and gentle yoga, a woman is soothed in her own bones. The health benefits are subtle but often profound. Relaxation, gentle exercise, weight bearing postures, core stability and joint mobility all serve to benefit the female body through this tremendous process. With yoga, joints, digestive and skeletal systems are strengthened. Awareness of breath, movement and tension provide daily doses of de-stressing.
Woman’s yoga is designed to offer all the elements that support the continuous and naturally changing landscape of a woman's body, mind and spirit. She will make her way to the other side. A yoga practice nurtures a woman and allows her to feel. Menopause is truly a woman’s time. It is her opportunity to tap into her own second wind.
Tailored to help each woman explore her unique requirements, yoga at this time is not about physical fitness, or getting ‘into shape’. Yoga for the mature woman is about developing a new core foundation, to be flexible in adversity and to reap the reservoirs of earned stillness.
Muscle Building Foods - Eat Your Way to Large Muscles

Muscle Building Foods - Eat Your Way to Large Muscles

This isn't the normal type of article I would post, but I find it has some very helpful nutrition advice for everyone;-)

You have to make sure you're eating all the right muscle building foods if your goal is to build more muscle. It's true: Just as there are certain kinds of foods make it easy for you to gain undesired weight, there are also certain foods that will help you gain muscle.

The first and most important step is to watch what you're feeding your body. Would you put just anything in your car's tank? If your body's fuel consists of fast food and processed junk, it's best to cut that out from your diet.

If anything, your diet is probably more important than your training. Scientists have actually claimed that muscle building consists of 15% training and 85% diet.

You only work out an hour or so a day, and during the other 20 something hours you are either eating, sleeping, or working, right? Well, doesn't it make sense to watch what you are eating since you spend more time eating than working out?

When you're about to build some muscle, protein is the most important component in muscle building foods. You'll find this in food like chicken, eggs, fish, and red meat. They are packed full of protein, which you need for energy.

Believe it or not, you also need to consume fat as part of your muscle building foods. Natural fat, none of that processed junk. You can find the good fat in steak, eggs, and peanut butter.

When you're consuming fats, make sure you avoid trans fat. It's evil, because it doesn't benefit your body in any way and could in fact harm you.

Carbohydrates, otherwise known as carbs, are the last of the three muscle building foods. You should be eating complex carbs throughout the day to keep up your energy.

Oatmeal, whole grain pasta, and brown rice are all complex carbohydrates that will keep your sugar levels in balance and give you the energy you need for your workouts.

Syrups and sugary drinks contain simple carbohydrates, so they need to be avoided. These are the kind of carbs that can pack pounds on your body, which can process only so much glucose.

If you need a handy reference to remember what kind of muscle building foods are best, feel free to print these guidelines out as a quick reference.

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Learning from contradictions

Learning from contradictions

So you are a confirmed “yogaholic”: you spend three to four times a week attending different classes and you are a regular face in various weekend workshops. But as your knowledge grows and your practice improves, you begin to realize not all the information you have gathered complement each other. In fact, some of what you learn seems to counter what others have told you previously.

You may learn from one style of yoga, for example, to relax your belly in the poses to maintain a deep diaphragmatic breathing, but are told in another class to keep your lower abdomen engaged to protect your back and seal your energy center. Some schools will tell you to flex your toes to stay balance in certain inverted positions, while others say pointing or even “flointing” (the combination of flexing and pointing) work best. Even in styles with fix sequences such as Ashtanga vinyasa, different teachers may bring different interpretations to the teaching.
Honestly, if you take everything to heart, you’re bound to get confused.
But this diversity – sometime correlated, other times conflicting – is what is wonderful about yoga.
You should always keep in mind that yoga – even the physical practice of Hatha yoga - is a very vast discipline encompassing numerous schools of thoughts, each with emphasis that ranges from the very esoteric, to the mystical to the very physical. Yoga, like its Indian cousin the Ayurveda, is also often referred to as a “living science” because it keeps evolving and changing, embracing new findings and new thinking within the age-old tradition. This is, after all, how it survives over 3,000 years of civilizations and stays relevant to this days and age.
Conflicting technical instructions from different teachers often underlie the different philosophies of the yoga schools, from the more classical yoga philosophy to Vedanta and Tantra. Some yoga schools have the intention to get the physical body in good condition, while others want to cultivate the spirit. These foundational philosophies can make a huge difference in the attitude and focus that the teacher expresses in her postural instructions.
Anusara yoga founder John Friends says there are “3 A’s” - attitudes, alignments, and actions - in yoga poses that differentiate the various yoga styles and schools. Some types of yoga focus on discipline and strong self-effort, while others on relaxing, softening and playfulness. Some classes are very rigorous, up-tempo and structured, others are more explorative and better done slowly. Some styles have precise anatomical alignment, others emphasize on inner feeling and the breath. You can actually gain something from each of these aspects to improve your practice physically, emotionally or spiritually. And even if you prefer one style, you can use what you learn in other styles to help you grow and improve in that favorite style.
But ultimately, what you bring home for your own self-practice will reflect the quality of mind and heart that you want to cultivate. This is when you probably come to a point when you have to determine which style (or styles) is compatible with that intention. Also important is the quality of your “student-hood”. Are you willing to learn without judgment and expectations? Do you trust your teachers to guide you deeper into your practice? Because of this, I find that more important than the style or school of yoga is the quality and intention of the teacher. A good teacher will always foster her or his students to cultivate mindfulness and will not push them to harm themselves.  
Good teachers also don’t judge; they inspire you. I have learned this the hard way. 
 A few years back - still green in the world of yoga - I took a workshop with a prominent overseas teacher whose style was different than my practice. In the beginning, she asked around what type of yoga we were practicing. Then later she asked me to come up to the stage to demonstrate sun salutation. After I did, she snickered and called what I just did an “aerobic yoga” to the laughter of the class. Later, when I asked several teachers of different styles of yoga, they all agreed that it was inappropriate for any teacher to pick on a student like that.
No one has the right to belittle you and your practice. If you find your teacher doing it, perhaps it’s time to walk away. Yoga is about acceptance not cynicism, it should be encouraging not demoralizing. There are many more teachers who will guide you in a more positive way, drawing from their knowledge and personal experience. More than any physical objective or technical knowledge, you should always view your practice this way: a personal journey where, just like in life, you will encounter and overcome confusions, personal biases and unmet expectations with grace and open heart.
And that, in short, is the ultimate yogic path. Namaste.
Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

It’s been 3 months since you decided to take the initiative of living a healthier lifestyle. The fat has been melting away at a rapid pace leaving you feeling like a million bucks. Your confidence is at an all time high. You can’t believe how easy the weight loss journey has been.

Suddenly, two weeks have gone by and ironically the scale hasn’t gone down. There has to be something wrong with the scale. How can the weight loss just come to a screeching halt?

For almost everyone attempting to lose weight, there comes a point when they reach that inevitable plateau wall. Their motivation and determination are soaring but the results are sinking. Plateaus are going to happen. It’s what you do when the plateau comes that will determine your success.

Plateaus are a sign to charge things up again, modify your strategies and keep moving forward to your ultimate goal. Rather than throwing in the towel and going back to your old ways, try some of these tips to “reignite your engine.”

Mix-Up Your Workout

Variety is always an important factor in a weight loss program. Without change you might find yourself dreading going to the gym for your workout. You lose interest and just start going through the motions without much effort. On top of that, your body can become used to the same caloric burn and muscle action. You would be surprised at how well your body is able to adapt to the same stress put on it.

Fire up your metabolism by increasing the intensity of the workout. Increase the speed as you exercise and do short burst interval training. Another great way to increase the intensity is to cut your rest periods between sets. In other words, if you are resting for 1 minute between sets try shortening that to 45 seconds.

A general good guideline is to switch up your workout routine every 4-8 weeks depending on the program. I usually change my workout program every 6 weeks. This gives me enough time to make consistent progress yet not get bored with the same routine.

Add Some Muscle                

Yes even ladies can benefit from adding on some muscle. Trust me ladies, you will not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger if you pump a little iron. Muscle mass determines our basal metabolic rate (the number of calories burned daily during rest). More muscle can lead to more fat potentially being burned even while we are sitting on the couch.

If your fat loss continues to slow down, try adding some more intensity/weight to your resistance training program. Don’t stop your resistance training and add more cardio. I promise that is not the answer and will not help accelerate your fat loss.

Be Sure To Rest and Recover

Recovery is an essential part of any exercise program. Proper rest allows your muscle fibers to grow and prevents stress hormones from elevating when we over-train. You are essentially tearing your muscles in the gym during resistance training. It is the rest of the day when your muscles are repairing and being “built.”

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is also crucial for health. It is said that an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after midnight. I am a firm believer in this statement. I find it comical when people brag about only getting 4 hours of sleep a night. I will continue to get my 7-8 hours of sleep each night, thank you very much!

Keep a Food Journal        

I realize this can be quite inconvenient and time consuming. However, it is a great way to see where your nutrition problems are arising. Often times people underestimate how many calories they are eating. Studies have shown that folks underestimate their caloric intake by as much as 40% on a daily basis.

A slice of bread here, a handful of chips there-it all adds up very quickly. When we are continuing to lose weight, we are more inclined to loosen up a bit on our nutrition plan. I am all about enjoying an occasional guilt-free meal, but just don’t make this a regular occurrence.

So for one week, write down everything you eat. Yes, even that little Hershey kiss that is only 40 calories. A food journal is an honest look into what you are actually eating, not what you “think” you might be eating. Food diaries allow you to realize where your “faults” are occurring. You might also think twice about eating that chocolate bar if you have to write it down.

If you are looking for an online food journal, FitDay.com is an awesome tool. It is free and extremely easy to use.

Just Chillax             

Chillax is not some type of muscle relaxer to help with muscle spasms. It is a slang word my friends and I use from time to time. It basically means to just take a chill pill and relax. You probably have enough stress in your life with work, relationships, and other obligations. The last thing you need is an additional layer of stress added to your hectic lifestyle.

Losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle should be a fun process. Does it take hard work and dedication? You Bet! However, it should be an enjoyable journey that allows you to feel better about yourself, not stressed to death.

I truly believe that stressing too much over fat loss or muscle gain can have a very negative impact on your body (I know this from first hand experience). Just Chillax and have fun with your health quest.

Adverse effects Aspirin

Aspirin become one of the plural is used to relieve pain, whether it was a headache and a fever or cardiovascular disorders.

For patients with heart disease for example, aspirin is used to break up blood clots that obstruct blood supply to the heart, making it flow more smoothly. Some skin care experts also give this medicine to overcome the problem of acne.

Not many people know that aspirin can also eliminate dandruff. You do this by mixing some powdered aspirin with shampoo and apply it on the scalp. From the scalp, pengonsumsian miracle drug in low doses was also able to protect the liver damage, especially for alcoholics. Aspirin is also said to ward off the growth of cancer cells and inhibit its spread.

effects AspirinHowever, behind the benefits kesehata above, you should also know about the adverse effects of the use of aspirin as reported by Boldsky the following pages:

Cause seizures
Those who suffer from asthma are not advised to take this drug. Aspirin can exacerbate lung conditions, causing seizures patients.

Some people who take aspirin, can develop allergies. Although these cases are rarely found, you should know the history of allergies to certain drugs.

Eating regular aspirin may cause internal bleeding. For patients with cardiovascular disease, such as heart aspirin is used to thin the blood. But this is not true for those who have blood clotting.

Not for kids
Although its function relieve pain, aspirin can not be consumed by all ages, especially children under the age of 16. These drugs can cause severe inflammation of the liver and brain.
Idol White - Annoyed When Someone Does Work

Idol White - Annoyed When Someone Does Work

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Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Acne Cycles

Acne CyclesWhen talking about acne cycles, it can be tough to give up the out breaks. You can really feel as if just as you get rid of a batch, another crops up out of nowhere. There are a variety of methods to check out and tackle the crop ups that acne can dish out. Breaking the cycle is the best way to conquer the issue. This can get a bit of do the job depending on your daily life design. Once you get a reliable routine down you will obtain it quick to preserve up and be thankful you did.

To start with stage in figuring out acne cycles in your encounter is figuring out what pores and skin type you have. The form of pores and skin you have will ascertain what you have to have to do, when you will desire to do it, and how frequently you will have to do it.

A person way to figure this out is to only glance at your experience at the conclusion of the day. If you see flaking and redness, it is finest to say that you have dry pores and skin. For those who sense and look and feel greasy, it is risk-free to say that you have oily pores and skin. If you truly do not observe a distinction in your skin sort at all from morning to night time, then normal pores and skin is what you have.

The Cleansing if you want to make convinced that acne cycles no extended go to your encounter, cleansing is the very best way to make them go away. If you have dry skin, you will want to get started each day with a brief rinse of your pores and skin. This ought to not consist of any cleansing solutions.

These goods can strip dry skin of the oils they will need. If you use make-up or lotions you will want to conclude each evening by washing your face with a acne cleanser of your pick. This will get rid of the bacteria, particles, and make-up off your experience that can result in acne to crop up.

For those with oily skin, you will want to use a facial cleanser first thing on waking. This removes the oil buildup from more than evening that leads to pores to clog. You will also want to use a facial scrub at evening to not only take away make-up, but also the greasy make up and bacteria connected with oily pores and skin. A beneficial facial peel the moment or two times per week will also support ruin the cycle in people of all pores and skin sorts.

Medicated Creams And Cleansers if you are in the center of an outbreak you will want to get action swiftly. The acne cycles can be pretty fast to drop in on your everyday life and are not constantly uncomplicated to avoid. This is wherever medicated lotions and cleansers come into play.

Although it is not suggested to use these cleansers everyday unless of course prescribed, you ought to use them just about every day immediately after you get started to see indicators of an outbreak. Your medicated cleanser will replace the typical facial cleanser you use each day until the crop up subsides and lotions can be utilised to deal with the blemishes on their own through the day.
Importance of Parallel Lines of the Feet

Importance of Parallel Lines of the Feet

Why is it important to keep the feet parallel in poses like Tadasana, Sirsasana, Pincha mayurasana and vasisthasana? The links of sacro iliac, lumbar vertebrae and ilio psoas in those poses.

30 years ago, when BKS Iyengar first observed my Tadasana (Standing Mountain Pose) in a Teacher Training class in India, he abruptly stopped the entire class and had all other students gather around closely to observe my feet. Embarrassed but willing to learn, I thought I had an innate ‘body intelligence’ having had 15 years of ballet and modern dance training, and so I thought I was probably standing well enough in my feet. “How can you prepare to teach others when you yourself do not even know the parallel lines of the feet?!” he roared at me.  He then ordered two students to bring a wooden block each and place each on the outside edges of my feet in exactly parallel lines. I was instructed to shift my weight to the outside edges of my feet to feel the blocks. Another block he placed in between my inner thighs and demanded I press into that block. What I thought was parallel was not parallel at all!
Thus began my awareness of my feet being “turned out”, and my weak inner thighs from too many years of forced external rotation due to ballet training. I had been externally rotating from the hip joints for so long that I had little sense of an inward rotation from the hip joints. New muscles began to ache as I held these parallel lines for minutes that seemed like hours. The problem with forced external rotation (as in ballet training) is that then the pelvis tilts forward so that the lumbar is over-arched causing lordosis, and the lower floating ribs at the front body protrude forward causing the “proud stance” of a dancer. Over time this creates compression of the lumbar spine, compression in the sacro-iliac joint, stresses the knee joint into hyper-extension, and weakens the deep in ilio-psoas muscles. And I thought I had good posture!
The complex knee joint – little did I know how I was weakening my knee joints by standing, walking, squatting, etc. with the feet turned out and the knees taking the stress!  Many dancers, over time, begin to suffer knee pain and I now began to understand why. In the Iyengar yoga method of practicing asanas – we start in Tadasana and align the feet and knees and hips parallel. Starting from the feet and working up – the knees are strengthened in parallel lines – this is extremely important for the knee joint. The knee joint supports the weight of the body. The center of gravity in the erect position passes through the femoral condyles at the knee joint. The knee joint acts as a fulcrum for two of the longest bones of the body (femur - thigh bone, and tibia – bone of lower leg).  The ligaments attaching the inner and outer knee joint are strengthened equally as we consciously stand in Tadasana lifting the kneecaps as a result of lifting the toes. Try this simple but effective practice to align and strengthen the knees – Stand in Tadasana with both feet exactly parallel. Observe the weight in the feet in a ‘tripod’ triangle base – 3 points: mound of the big toe, mound of the little toe, and the heel. Lift everything else up – lift the toes, left the arches of the feet, and feel how the kneecaps also lift. This simple practice will engage the large muscles of the front of the thighs (quadriceps) and strengthen the lateral (outer) and medial (inner) connective tissue of the knees.

There is a major muscle of the thigh that had been ignored in my dance training and was re-ignited in the above example of squeezing the block between my inner thighs. The sartorius muscle runs diagonally from the outer hip joint to just below the inner knee at the tibia (lower leg bone). This is the strong, long muscle that is strengthened in all standing poses in parallel lines. It is also engaged in asanas such as Setu Bandhasana where the knees are bent and the weight of the pelvis is lifted up from the floor keeping the knees directly over the toes. The action of keeping the knees directly over the toes in standing bent-knee poses will protect the inner and outer knee connective tissue. When the feet are not parallel and the knees are bent slightly pronating, (falling inward) there is tremendous stress on the knee joints and injuries can happen – whether in standing poses, reclining bent knee poses or sports activities. Being conscious of the feet and how the weight is placed in the feet – right through the center of the feet – will automatically transfer up to strengthen the knees, the strong quadriceps and sartorius muscles of the thighs and help to stabilize the pelvis.

As we travel up the body – standing in Tadasana – the next important postural muscle group is the Ilio-psoas. The consciousness of the parallel lines of the feet, the knees, and the hips will then anchor the pelvis so that the front and back waist can be equally stretched.  In the case of lordosis (over arching lumbar vertebrae due to external rotation of the hips, pronating the weight in the feet and other misalignments of the feet), the ilio-psoas becomes over-extended and weak. This deep-in muscle group that forms the principal flexors of the thighs and supports the lumbar spine as it attaches along the vertebral column is not easily palpated.

In challenging inverted yoga poses such as Sirsanana (Headstand), and Pincha Mayurasana (Elbow Balance) – bringing awareness to the feet – with the feet connected will bring balance and stillness to the practice as the body seeks the midline. This midline will transfer into the deep-in ilio-psoas allowing the torso to be stretched equally front and back, and the lumbar vertebrae to lengthen.

With years of practicing the parallel lines of the feet in Tadasana, the student can bring that awareness, that familiar weight-bearing centered alignment - in the middle of both feet - to poses which challenge balance on one hand, one foot, the elbows, shoulders, and crown of the head.  Vasisthasana, for instance, where the student is balancing only on the outside edge of one foot and one hand – will become steady and strong if the consciousness of the feet parallel in Tadasana is brought to the practice.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that if sufficient time and practice of Tadasana – the awareness of the parallel lines of the feet in Tadasana – is brought to each and every asana – that student’s practice will be more confident, steady and strong, and rewarding as a result of paying attention to the small details of the feet.

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Yoga Class Description

Yoga Class Description

Class Description

is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. It refers to yoga practice that combines asana (poses) and pranayama (breath). Hatha is the umbrella of all yoga styles.
VINYASA means breath-synchronized movement. Vinyasa class tends to be more vigorous style, typically started with a number of Sun Salutations to warm up the body for more intense flow of asana sequences.

ASHTANGA is a fast-paced, intense style of yoga. Ashtanga practice is physically demanding because of the constant movement from one pose to the next. In yoga terminology, this movement is called flow. Ashtanga is also the inspiration for what is often called power yoga.

IYENGAR this style of practice is based on the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and is most concerned with body alignment. In yoga, the word alignment is used to describe the precise way in which your body should be positioned in each pose in order to obtain the maximum benefits and avoid injury. Iyengar practice encourages use of props to bring the body into alignment.

YIN YOGA pratice relaxes the muscle and aim to target the jointas and deep connective tissues, which wraps them. Many of the asanas will be familiar to experiences yoga students, but transformend into a quiter and more meditative practice. Yin yoga is the perfect complement to other strength-oriented forms of  Yoga.

PRENATAL YOGA during pregnancy, you want to stay in shape and do what is best for your baby-to-be. Prenatal Yoga is wonderful way to do both, Whether you are new to yoga or already an experienced practitioner, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga while pregnant. Yoga classes are a great way to prepare you for the birthing process as well as enjoy the company of other pregnant women.

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Emotional Balance through Asana - Meditation

Practicing the right sets of asanas can promote emotional stability. Each pose has its own benefit to keep us well-grounded, to quiet the brain and to gain mental clarity. Expand your practice by learning how standing poses, twists, forward/back bends and inversions can stabilize your emotional condition.

We all know the value of meditation in our busy lives and the serenity and peace of mind that comes after turning inward and becoming very still.  Ideally we come away from meditation feeling emotionally balanced and quiet.

Asanas affect our emotional body as well and when we understand this connection, we know which sets of asanas to practice at certain periods of emotional instability.

Asana practice is better than a prescription medication for certain emotional ailments and the more we know and understand the effects of asana practice on our overall well being, the more discriminating we become in choosing which poses to practice at certain times in our lives.

The benefit to our emotional body of Standing Poses is that we become more grounded, more centered, less prone to emotional upheavals. The standing poses promote strength and stability in the lower body physically so that the upper body (heart area) can open; this happens emotionally as well. When we are strong and centered, even in times of terrible news or emotional crisis in our lives, somehow we can stay in touch with that source of inner strength.

Headstand, as an inverted pose which brings healthy blood directly to the brain, enlivens us with mental clarity and the ability to make correct decisions in our lives. According to Shri B.K.S. Iyengar, “Regular practice of Sirsasana (Headstand) develops the body, disciplines the mind and widens the horizons of the spirit. One becomes balanced and self-reliant in pain and pleasure, loss and gain, shame and fame, and defeat and victory.”

Backbends and chest-opening poses encourage our hearts to open. We may even feel more gregarious, more open and optimistic as a result of the back bending practice. Stimulating backbends are those where we must use muscular strength to push up into a backbend. This physical effort requires will power and produces will power, physically, and emotionally in our spirits. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) when held alone is tremendously beneficial to our inner strength, and when done as a restorative pose with the use of props is probably the most emotionally balancing pose of all the asanas (it is also called the “Mother Pose”). Restorative chest opening poses are those where we are supported and therefore not exerting muscular effort to open our chest. With the help of a block or chair, or bolster, etc. the heart area is elevated, and the brain is quieted, and placed in a subservient position.  These poses are good to do when we are sad or dealing with loss in our lives.

Twists bring up old anger, according to the ancient Sanskrit scholars. Old anger gets deeply buried in the lumbar spine. Twists, when done correctly, require an elongation of each and every lumbar vertebrae so that the twist can originate from the base of the spine. During the practice of twists, we may remember and feel momentary old anger or sadness as a result of this process.

And finally, Forward Bending poses are inward directed, quieting poses that bring us literally (upper and lower body in contact) in touch with our selves.  They are very quieting for the brain, (unlike Backbends, or Headstand which stimulate the brain) and therefore allow us a chance to explore our inner emotional landscape. If we are agitated, the practice of forward bends would be beneficial to create a state of equipoise.

Asana practice is better than a prescription medication for certain emotional ailments and the more we know and understand the effects of asana practice on our overall well being, the more discriminating we become in choosing which poses to practice at certain times in our lives.
Savasana ? The Corpse Pose ?The most difficult and most beneficial of all asanas

Savasana ? The Corpse Pose ?The most difficult and most beneficial of all asanas

Savasana always come at the last of yoga session and many people misunderstood the ideas behind this relaxing pose and skip it to resume their routine. Ann Barros shares her views around the importance and the benefit of the pose.

In his book, “Light On Yoga”, B.K.S. Iyengar considers Savasana the most difficult pose.  When first hearing this, many of us long-time practitioners of yoga may disagree. To most of us, Savasana is a well-deserved rest after a challenging class. It is a chance for the body to release all the effort after a strenuous yoga session.  Many of us are happy to go into a deep state of relaxation.  But is this really Savasana?  Just relaxing deeply, or possibly going to sleep?

According to Mr. Iyengar, Savasana is about “shedding” – letting go – “like a snake shedding its skin to emerge glossy and resplendent in its renewed colors.”  We have many skins, sheaths, thoughts, judgments, ideas, prejudices, and projects for the future.  Savasana is a shedding – a letting go – “of all these sheaths to see how glossy and gorgeous, serene and aware is the beautiful rainbow-colored snake who lies within.  We even lie on the ground as a snake does, with the maximum possible surface of our bodies in contact with the earth.”
Deep relaxation is actually not that easy.  Oh, it may be an eager dropping of the weight of our body into the floor after having exerted muscularly for two hours of asana practice, but soon after, the mind interferes with many thoughts and tension - which distract us from savoring our quiet inner body, our Self, our Spirit.  Tension prevents relaxation, and keeps us bound to our earthly identity – our responsibilities, our family, our loss, our pains, our gains.  To be free of tension means to be free of all these identities and attachments.

What is tension? Tension manifests in various parts of the body.  Tired, sore muscles, aching joints, a feeling of “heaviness” in the body are all signs of stored-up tension in the body.  And what does tension do to the brain?  Headaches, hyper-anxiety, and an ill-temper are all signs of tension keeping the brain in a tightly locked, protective state.   When the brain is over-active with worry and concern, depression or fear, one feels terrible, simply put.  We are all aware of the mind – body – spirit as one, as this is at the core of the practice of yoga asanas.  So when the brain is tight, the body is also tight and the spirit within cannot be set free.

Meditation allows our inner spirit to be set free.  This freedom is the goal of our yoga practice. It is just being in the moment, an ego-less being in the present moment, not stuck in the past or future- formless and free.  Savasana prepares us for meditation.  In the practice of Savasana, like a corpse, we allow our body to lie on the floor and release all muscular, skeletal effort.  The mind then immediately also relaxes as we consciously let go of every effort still lingering in the body.  Yoga teachers guide their students through imagery into a relaxed, but aware state in the practice of Savasana.  With practice, the student learns to quiet the brain, to still the noises of anxious thoughts.  Once the brain has become quiet, tension leaves the body and mind naturally like a fog clearing as the morning sun rises.

Mr. Iyengar further adds: “By all means, relax, go to sleep even; we are all human, but in Savasana you are on the edge of a great mystery, and if Savasana is the most difficult of all postures, at least it has the saving grace that we can all lie on the floor as we attempt it.”

So be easy on yourself in the practice of Savasana.  If you fall asleep, your body and mind probably need the rest.   Do not judge yourself harshly for this. If you become frustrated with tumultuous thoughts preventing you from experiencing that state of formless inner bliss, practice letting go of one thought at a time, even the frustrating thought.  Slowly but surely, over time, with consistent practice of Savasana, we will begin to shed our outer layers and experience peace within. Savasana is, therefore, the greatest gift that we can give to our Self.

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

ALL DAY COURSES (Saturday Full-Day Course)

ALL DAY COURSES (Saturday Full-Day Course)

ALL DAY COURSES (Saturday Full-Day Course)
A One Day Immersion Into the Practice Flow of Ashtanga Yoga

This class is an in-depth immersion and fun-filled exploration of the dynamic system of Ashtanga Yoga covering as much ground as is possible in one day. In a step-by-step manner the minute details of the practice will be covered beginning with the Sun Salutations and traveling all of the way through to Savasana. David will offer his popular Physics of Flight Vinyasa Techniques providing detailed information for jumping through and back. Alternatives will be given for the more challenging asanas to allow students of all levels to attend. Whether you are a newbie or an afficianado you will find a wealth of practical information and insightful nuances that can be applied within the realms of whatever level of practice you have. In the decades that David has been practicing and teaching he has developed a keen insight into the subtle aspects of the practice and has become known for his compassionate way of sharing these insights and breaking the details down into practical and informative terms that can be easily applied within practice as well as within the context of daily life. Even if you do not practice Ashtanga you will find a multitude of powerful and useful information to be applied within your personal journey of yoga. There is a lot of partner work in this fun-filled and energetic class as well as plenty of laughter woven into the wealth of knowledge and information that students will gain. This class is great for beginners or those already familiar with the practice.

Sunday Workshop
Hop on the Bus and Enjoy a Ride Through Second Series Asanas
Many people are frightened of or intimidated by the Second Series of Ashtanga Yoga. But it is truly one of the most fun sequences! David will present the Second Series with great compassion, patience and humor. Students should have a regular practice of the First Series in order to attend this class. David will lead the participants through as much of the Second Series practice as seems appropriate for the group. He will offer alternatives and guidance along the way and explain methods and techniques to make the Second Series asanas feel more accessible and user-friendly. This class is a great way to experience the dynamics of second series in a safe and fun environment.
A Fun-filled exploration of Vinyasa and Arm-balances
One of the greatest challenges of the Ashtanga flow is the vinyasa. In this class David will break the vinyasa down into its basic components. He likes to refer to this as: “The Physics of Flight”. Participants will explore techniques for creating greater lightness and efficiency of practice while using less effort to achieve greater ease.
 The class will also explore the elements of handstands and arm-balances. It is common to feel intimidated or even frightened by balancing on our hands. David will address this issue and offer techniques and practical methods of approach to allow for greater confidence and ability that can be carried away and applied within a personal practice.  This will all be done through the avenue of insightful and simple methods he has designed through decades of practice and teaching others. There will be partner work as well as individual techniques offered. There is always plenty of laughter and fun as well as a depth of information David’s classes. All levels may attend even if you have never done a handstand before. Alternatives are always given.

Exploring the Invisible and Mysterious World of Prana
In Sanskrit, Man means Mind and Tra means to Free or Deliver. Therefore the word Mantra means to Free the Mind. There are many mantras that are well known amongst yoga practitioners such as Om and a plethora of others. There is another mantra that is just as powerful and even more accessible. It is the sound of our breath: Ujjayi. There is no other sound more universal than breath. It is not tied to language or culture and transcends religious beliefs. The sound of our breath is “chanted” from the first moment of birth. When practiced with awareness and efficiency this simple act of breathing becomes a deep and spiritual experience. In addition to breath work the class will also explore the invisible world of internal energy valves known as Bandhas. There is much confusion surrounding these mystical tools for controlling the movement and regulation of pranic flow. David will encourage interactive discussion as well as presenting of a series of practical exercises he has developed to gain greater understanding of these subtle yet powerful elements of yoga. Participants are sure to go away with a greater understanding and clarity as well as techniques to be applied within the realms of their personal practice regardless of the system!
Attacking The Salt Problem

Attacking The Salt Problem

The British Medical Journal recently published an analysis on the effects of too much salt in our diets.  According to their research, which looked at 13 studies from 1966 to 2008:
High salt intake is associated with significantly increased risk of stroke and total cardiovascular disease.

The British Medical Journal recently published an analysis on the effects of too much salt in our diets.

According to their research, which looked at 13 studies from 1966 to 2008:
High salt intake is associated with significantly increased risk of stroke and total cardiovascular disease. Because of imprecision in measurement of salt intake, these effect sizes are likely to be underestimated. These results support the role of a substantial population reduction in salt intake for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.


Over at Food Politics, Marion Nestle points to the study’s commentary which calls for more regulation in the food industry. Since “nearly 80% of salt enters the diet through processed and pre-prepared foods,” they argue that regulation is the best way to help reduce the salt in our diets.
Is regulation the answer? Sure, it would be great to see restaurants and food companies step up and consider the health impacts of the food they’re producing. I’m just not sure it’s something that legislation alone can address.

One of the big problems, as Nestle points out, is that:
…the taste for salt depends on how much is eaten. On a low salt diet, even lightly salted foods taste salty. But if you are used to eating a lot of salt, it takes even more to taste salty. So the object needs to be to reduce salt in the diet across the board.

If we’re going to reduce salt intake across the board, consumers need to have a clear idea of salt’s health impacts. Education is key.

Not only do folks need to know the risks, they need solutions. If processed- and restaurant foods are the major culprits, it sounds like home cooked meals might be the answer.
Preparing home-cooked meals makes it so much easier to monitor how much salt is going into your food. Why wait for regulation when you can take charge of your diet in your very own kitchen? We’ve got tons of recipes to get you started. Not all of our recipes are low salt, but you can reduce the salt called for gradually as your palette adjusts.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Discover ways that to prevent Snoring For an extended time

Discover ways that to prevent Snoring For an extended time

Your snoring is sometimes setting out to become larger downside and you made the choice it’s time for them to work out a way to stop snoring. anti  snor rehabilitation ring the proper thanks to stop snoring can enable energy to create positive you flow freely via the body by shiatsu problems. Avoid intoxicant intake in conjunction with sedatives to quit snoring. If anyone is snoring at your residence, please build a date for a briefing. It needn’t be laborious to seek out reasons why you snore, however you may then got to examine all the assorted ways in which youre able to discern a way to stop snoring to see the proper cure for everybody. If you'd prefer to understand the proper thanks to stop snoring, you'll most likely initial need to look at your behaviors and daily mode. after you will cut the following pointers from you, you may probably scale back or discern a way to stop snoring.

Snoring is sometimes a giant bother however several folks ar unaware them to snore within the event they share their housing with somebody. Snoring may well be annoying, however just in case you're having problems inhaling the evening or get truly protective against your flow of air whereas snoring, you must consult the medical practitioner World Health Organization can seemingly then refer yourself to a slumber specialist that ought to be able to higher profit you bother. Snoring is sometimes clangorous respiratory miracle noodles open mouth while sleeping. Snoring is often caused by simply conditions that cut back respiratory via the nose, as an example a standard phase transition, allergies, or perhaps enlarged adenoids. Snoring will cause sleep starvation, the implications that embrace inappropriate brain feature, mental operation. it's a very supply for embarrassment for those slumberer, thus as opposition protestant or perhaps obtaining angry it’s best to, together, build an inspiration to ameliorate true.

You might have truly accomplished, snoring is among the foremost depressing issues a personal may need. It really is calculable around four-hundredth for adults feel or expertise antecedently veteran an issue with snoring. There ar many reasons for those development for snoring in conjunction with during this informative article I’ll discuss most of them additionally to some nice tricks of serving to a personal stop snoring forever and forever.

People can snore as a result of they’re overweight, for the rationale that know the incorrect job, as a result of these folks build life-style selections physiatrics assistant cause that throat space for being engorged, however most of the time drastically as a result of for one thing known because the soft roof of the mouth. that's alittle patch of skin of that vibrates with the throat region once you would possibly be muscles calm. (while you would possibly be sleeping)

Your partner complains a personal snore abundant too loudly. folks around you reveal they're unable to urge adequate sleep as a result of your snoring. you may be currently inside a quandary utilizing your condition in conjunction with keep pondering: however am i allowed to prevent snoring forever?

 Before you visit the foremost adjacent drug store thus you'll be able to get associate non-prescription drug for stop snoring, attempt to analysis what causes you to snore each single time you get to sleep. it's crucial to completely perceive why you have got issues with this affliction thus you happen to be able to verify the acceptable strategy to your bother.

Sick of hearing out of your married person you're keeping these people awake within the evening? physical exertion with some of stop snoring exercises and watch however nicely a cut throat in conjunction with neck can assist you finish that misery forever.

Only an extended time past, the medical practitioner in European nation theorized she’d discovered a healthy thanks to support her people stop snoring. By employing a drum that was just like a recorder, she mentioned that snoring seemed to diminish. She authored a e-book regarding a way to stop snoring discovery in conjunction with continues the observe sort of a sleep doctor nowadays.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Home Remedies To Treat Constipation

Home Remedies To Treat Constipation

The home remedies to treat constipation are typically terribly effective. What you eat will be a reason for you to finish up with constipation then is stress. you'll not be planning to your rest room oftentimes after you suffer from being constipated . you'll continuously raise a doctor after you suddenly suffer from constipation. Constipation will even result in some form of physical pain that may be worrying. You for sure wouldnt ever need to expertise tormented by severe form of constipation symptoms. Its best if you initially rummage around for natural ways in which you'll relieve all the constipation symptoms bothering you.

When you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily, your body are ready to operate optimally then, it'll be economical in eliminating waste. A high fiber diet is nice in serving to you with this drawback. The bodys waste matter is being pushed by the fiber from your diet and this puts less strain to your system. you would possibly need to refrain from gratification in bananas after you square measure still constipated .

Dont be fast in mastication your food and swallowing as that would prolong constipation. Prunes square measure {a nice|an excellent|a sensible} fruit to eat because it tastes pretty good and it’s conjointly one amongst several great constipation remedies around. Its very necessary to continuously clean your system through constipation remedies if you would like to stay healthy. New oldsters could realize it terribly horrific after they see their very little angel tormented by baby constipation. one amongst the signs that your baby is also tormented by constipation is once she cries due to her tummy. One terribly fascinating data for you is that babies that square measure breastfed square measure less probably to be constipated . Baby constipation is well treated reception and you simply got to amendment the babys diet. If your kid has constipation then its most likely as a result of he/she Greek deity one thing that promotes the constipation. it's quite common for constipation in youngsters to have an effect on nearly each kid within the world a minimum of once in their lives.

Kids will expertise constipation additional typically than adults expertise having constipation issues. There square measure signs or symptoms that youngsters show after they square measure constipated  and oldsters should be ready to spot them. oldsters ought to be ready to recognize the frequency of the viscus movements of their youngsters to ascertain if they're having regular viscus movements or not. Before a doctor recommend any choice for treatment of constipation in youngsters, he/she should 1st diagnose it to substantiate it's simply constipation. a baby that's underneath treatment for constipation with AN intake of medication, its suggested that he/she stays home. The activity of a baby in his or her days can even lead them to possess constipation. youngsters typically dont like feeding healthy foods particularly once it involves feeding vegetables.
